Business Overview:
Incorporated in 2002, Catalyst Lightwave’s goal from
inception is to act as a vehicle to transfer classified
technology from the private sector into the public domain
to use those assests for the public good with the primary
objectives targeting health care, education and
government services.
Products and Services:
Advanced technologies exist accross a spectrum of
compartmentalized research groups that will be
structured together to deploy a key based system of
accessing virtualized desktops hosted on a secure
complex of supercomputers. Integrated into the virtual
desktops will be an AI (artificial intelligent) background
Eco-System to present solutions to decision makers,
customers, patients and students.
Additional Information: Additional Information
Forecasting that a physical authentication
solution will eventually be neccessary to secure
the transport of critical information over the
Internet our goal is nothing less than to replace
the Federal Reserve with a massive network of